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Monday, February 20, 2006
Musings of the inSanE

Q:Do u see any point in ur existence in this world?
A:Yeha,of course. I mean without my existence, some of the major MNCs in this world wud simply collapse.
Q:Care to explain?
A: Sure...take the case of PepsiCo...everyday i make it a point to have Ruffles Lays...either i buy it or i persuade ma frnz to buy it..n if aint exist, employees in PepsiCo wud b outta work within no time...similar things apply 2 Coke too..i hve a coke atleast twice a week...so think abt wat wud happen to Coca-Cola Corp without me! Also I use Airtel SIM, a Nokia mob, a Compaq comp,a digi by some "confuciously" named company and my wishlist includes an IPod, a Ferrari and more...now do u realise who sends those plainclothes policemen to protect me?
Q:Did u ever try to commit suicide?
A:Interesting question...i have given this thing a lot of thought and time.Suicide wud b the Lord's call 2 bail me out of abyss.. i realised tat I wud b bailed out but wud multiply the problems of all thos who luv me...which totally contradicts the purpose of suicide which is to relieve ppl of miseries caused by ma existence.
Q:Wat is ur opinion on putting pix in orkut?
A:Well,by not putting pix, ppl are hiding from the world..however one tends to have a better first impression by looking at other's pic..so by putting a gud pic,one cud easily mislead others into blving tat one is gud which one isnt.
Q:Do u agree tat a fotographer can never take a picture of himself?
A:No I do not agree. A man' shadow keeps moving wit the passage of time. And man is in the best position to capture those shadows. And if one captures all those shadows,u have an autobio which is nothing but the best picture of one's self ;-)
Q:Y do u hve pimples on ur face?
A:Everyone prays to God to relieve them outta misery. And everyone is in a miserable state now. Tat means tat God is facing lotta misery. Now He asks Me to relieve some of the misery. And when I do, a pimple appears on ma face..
Q:Don u think tat ur insane?
A:I don think I know..
A:I don think. I know!
Q:Do u think or know or wateva tat insanity is contagious?
A:LOl..yup..i know insanity is contagious...
Q:Y is it so?
A:To judge someone as insane, one should know wat or how is one insane.According to a study, 50% of the world think tat the other 50% of the ppl in this world are insane without realising tat they are also insane.
Q:Do u think I am insane?
A:Hmm...yeha..you are insane
Q: Y do u say so?
A:Because you are not sane.
Q:Y do u say so?
A:Because your are not lyk me.
A:Ok..accepted...now there are two ppl here...me & you...and so u call me insane..so 50% of ppl here call the other 50% insane..without realising that u have also become insane..
Q: Wat The F...?
A: So now you are also insane..which means tat insanity is contagious.
The fact tat u hve had patience to read till this proves tat either ur jobless or insane. Now if ur jobless,then ur insane because sane ppl always hav sth or the other to do...if ur insane, tat means tat ur jobless since u stray away from sane state only if ur idle...
Now now now.. first things first. You need to get some sleep.. ;)
I am jobless AND insane. And I neva knew that insanity was contagious.. otherwise I wud have never come near you :P
But whats done is done.. And so lets celebrate our insanity instead of suffering from it.. What say?
3 cheers for ...
ofcourse im insane & so im jobless.. come join our band wagon.. but y do u publisize it.. by default v und ..that u r INSANE
OI.. :X
Wat to make of sane ppl who are jobless?? sometimes even the most sane of ppl are xtremely vetti ... and i thot insanity was an in-built trait, but u do pass on ur neva-ending-lunacy to ur frds... **sob sob**.
But I do agree, I am INSANE - or atleast dwinlding dangerously towards that turf.
hi there! insane i am not, for i'm still sane enough to remember english and write this comment after a quasi catch-22 post. trust me, i felt my first "high" after reading the book :D
there's a review i did long ago on the book, u might wanna check it out...
p.s: the the catch in the p.s was the "high" point again ;)
p.p.s: jobless?!? you cant say I'm jobless! i'm a sophomore technically doing engineering but practically not doing anything at all. the more I don't do, a better student(a profession, remember?) i will be and the sooner i will end up with a job. so i am doing my job of being currently jobless.
sane enough to drive u insane eh? :P
@The optimist
I think it was bcos of too much sleep rather than the lack of it ;)
@Hell's Angel
U r beginnin 2 understand me better nowadays...keep it up :P
@Trinity Teal
The prob wit extremely sane ppl is tat they finish everythin on time n so got sumtime for being vetti...got it???of course u r not insane...(me,optimist n angel r already ther..tis aint a club for kids..jus kiddin :D)
THnx yaar...keep them comin???gosh!!ppl wud think i am on dope or sth ;)
@His Xlnc
Quasi???shall i take it as a honor??thnx dude...lol..yeha i kinda freakd out after readin sum pages...shall surely read ur post..
And yeha,ur sane enuff 2 drive me insane...so join me,optimist n te angel...lets all promote hmm...wat r v gonna promote ?? :O
Ha me so jobless :D so that makes me insane too ;)
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