A Weblog
Friday, January 20, 2006
Tsunami in Calicut

RED ALERT........
Calicut,friday the 20th:
On wednesday, the 18th, the wireless link b/w the prod. engg dept and the F hostel in NIT Calicut failed. Since then there has no internet in the F hostel. For people's information, F hostel is the final year hostel out here and is the only one with 24hrs(!) internet connection at present. The timing tho was perfect:just three days before the sessionals. For some it was God sent. The administrator told me that the Inet in NIT Calicut stands for Intelligent Net since the connection somehow fails just before the exams.
However some felt otherwise. Sample quotes:
"man i surf for relaxin in between studies...no net.... n its all drivin me crazy :O"
"hostel is so lifeless without the net :(( "
"Wheres ma oxygen...?:X"
"F**k...Damn.....Screw it...Bull S**t..."
The inmates are so despo that the F hostel Janda is on half mast now. Also, a statue of Lord Vinayaga(the e-God!) has been erected and the special Cybera Yagna has been started.(Its the cyber world Aswamedha Yagna...a virus has been let loose and the admin has to chase it :D) Also for support measures, students from other colleges are rushing in with extra bandwidth to save the life of the inmates. And to top it all, a bug(Aloha Kirkaldy) has been spotted in the Campus Networking Centre. This has resulted in erratic connection to even the Computer Centres located in the various departments in the college. And this has resulted in frequent black outs in the whole college. Latest reports indicate that it would take atleast 2 or 3 days for the connection to be bak to normal. Till then, students have been asked to bear wit the authorities and not to resort to any means of violence(!).
PPL, I have my internals from tomorrow. So all the visitors do remember me whenever u pray to God :)(I know u do but then just 2 remind all) Next weekend,I wud be visiting Coimbatore to meet my skool buds and then to NIT Trichy to participate in the Techfest there. Then from Trichy to Salem, for my friend Bala's sister's wedding and wud be back in Calicut by 3rd of february. So doubt whether it wud be possible for me to drop in a post till then..Kindly do bear with me :)
Also, i am getting into a lot of blog debts lately...cant really help it...the net sucks and it takes ages for me to post my comments...shall clear my debts when I come back :D
Till then...ciao and bye.....Have a gr8 time :)
yooo hooo...
moi is first *poses like a princess*
nd now!!
nuthin travels fster than the speed of light?
u joking?
virus is alwayz an exception! :P
gud to kno dat teh hav got wot it takes to take wot u've got!(don worry..i myself don mke sense of tis sentence:P)
Long live net failures!!
Muhahaha..*Devil ol' me*
hey by the wayz..we wudn't miss ye' a bit..u can count on me!:P..
may ye screw yer internals! (royally):P..Amen!!! *wink*
p.s: spamming is jus one more service i offer..:P
hey vivek,
i am sure the 3rd and 4th quotes were urzzz ... anyhoo looks like u gotta ya veriii bijji schedule ahead. dont get excited abt ur trip [;) 4 very obvious reasons.] work hard on ur sessionals first. dnt worry shall include u in prayers. have a nice trip.
[i knw u will]. btw i really like the song u've uploaded.
all the best for your internals! yea sure will pray fo ya ;)
btw you've been tagged!
hi da.... i heard u r coming to cbe for the quiz...atb for both of u.....
heh heh :)))
My sis was telling me abt the " CALAMITY " that befell you :) !!!
how were the exams anyway ??
i know so many ppl in CS , NITC .... :))
Hey have gr8 time!!all the best 4 ur techfest + internals
Hi vivek...
All the best for ur sessionals....
it IS good to have a break from internet...
machi.. that post was damn cool da... my congrats !!!
hey sorry for the delay in posting my comments..hey net failed just for you...or else i know what you will be doing all day all night
@Grunge Gestapo
Trip was ok tho cudn make it to trichy :(
Thnx Archie for tagging me :)
Thnx da
Exams were aweful :((
tas kewl..do temme whom u kno.....:)
@Hell's Angel
Thnx Angel :D
Yeah it felt gr8 to hve a break
@Mighty Titan
Oh thnx machcha.....
Always Welcome......
Yeh..net has been troubling me a lot for the past cpl of weeks...
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