A Weblog
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
May his soul RIP
I had sent one of my stories, "Did it rain..." to blogchaat and they have accepted my entry...do check the site out :)
I was once chatting wit a gal from USA.
Her:18/f/Virginia u??
Me: Yeah..y??
Her:I just love India
Me:Oh..tas so nice
Her: I have two friends who are Indian
Me: good...so wassup??
Her: Are you a hindu?
Me: Yes I am.
Her: Do u mind if I ask u somethin?
Me:nope..go ahead...
Her: Err...you have lotsa Gods rite?
Me: lotsa Gods?
Her: I have seen in my friends house...they worship lots of Gods and some of them are animals in fact...why do u worship them?
Me: who...the Gods or the animals?
Her: The animals...y do u worship animals ?? :)
(The answer was like a response to stimuli...I don even know if its true or not)
Me:Hmm...ppl then were like barbarians..they used to kill any animal for food...
Me:In the olden ages..n they vr illiterates..so it was not an easy task to convince them about such stuff..so the priests told them that each animal is a God and strung together a story to convince them that they should not kill all animals :)
Her: like?
Me:for instance, we worship the cow. we call her kamadhenu..in fact we even hold festivals for Her and pray for our welfare. we have lotsa stories
Her: like fables?
Me: Yeah like fables...epics,etc...wat about u?
Her:I am a good natured Christian.
Me: :)
Her: I visit the church every sunday..a good goody gal :)
Me: oh yeah?
Her: :) ...U know wat the priest was telling us during our previous Mass..??
Her: He told us abt our president
Me:oh bush?
Her: yeah...hes done so much for us...u know wat, hes gonna save the world from doom..for instance 9/11..wat all good he has done...
Her: Ii will b eligible for voting durin the coming elections and I am gonna vote for him..wat do u think??
Me: Dunno much abt US politics...so cant say much ;)
"Like it or not, faith in the Apocalypse is a powerful driving force in modern American politics. In the 2000 election, the Christian right cast at least 15 million votes, or about 30 percent of those that propelled Bush into the presidency. And there's no doubt that arch-conservative Christians will be just as crucial in the coming election: GOP political strategist Karl Rove hopes to mobilize 20 million fundamentalist voters to help sweep Bush back into office on Nov. 2 and to maintain a Republican majority in Congress, says Joan Bokaer, director of Theocracy Watch, a project of the Center for Religion, Ethics, and Social Policy at Cornell University."
Neat rite???.... :)
No offence meant to anyone :)
I was once chatting wit a gal from USA.
Her:18/f/Virginia u??
Me: Yeah..y??
Her:I just love India
Me:Oh..tas so nice
Her: I have two friends who are Indian
Me: good...so wassup??
Her: Are you a hindu?
Me: Yes I am.
Her: Do u mind if I ask u somethin?
Me:nope..go ahead...
Her: Err...you have lotsa Gods rite?
Me: lotsa Gods?
Her: I have seen in my friends house...they worship lots of Gods and some of them are animals in fact...why do u worship them?
Me: who...the Gods or the animals?
Her: The animals...y do u worship animals ?? :)
(The answer was like a response to stimuli...I don even know if its true or not)
Me:Hmm...ppl then were like barbarians..they used to kill any animal for food...
Me:In the olden ages..n they vr illiterates..so it was not an easy task to convince them about such stuff..so the priests told them that each animal is a God and strung together a story to convince them that they should not kill all animals :)
Her: like?
Me:for instance, we worship the cow. we call her kamadhenu..in fact we even hold festivals for Her and pray for our welfare. we have lotsa stories
Her: like fables?
Me: Yeah like fables...epics,etc...wat about u?
Her:I am a good natured Christian.
Me: :)
Her: I visit the church every sunday..a good goody gal :)
Me: oh yeah?
Her: :) ...U know wat the priest was telling us during our previous Mass..??
Her: He told us abt our president
Me:oh bush?
Her: yeah...hes done so much for us...u know wat, hes gonna save the world from doom..for instance 9/11..wat all good he has done...
Her: Ii will b eligible for voting durin the coming elections and I am gonna vote for him..wat do u think??
Me: Dunno much abt US politics...so cant say much ;)

Neat rite???.... :)
No offence meant to anyone :)
i too don't know much about US politics but chat section was interesting to read!!
i too don't know much about US politics but chat section was interesting to read!!
must say ,i didnt understand nething .... but yes , the conv was interesting.
thanx for blogrolling me .... shall add u too .... but not now as my net connxn is damn slow ... and will take me ages to just modify my tamplate , and another lonnnnnnnnnng age to republish my blog ... shall do so w/in like 3 hrs ( if i am awake ) else first thing tomm ... ok ?
c u tomm then ... bye ...
thats an interesting conversation... now that reminds me when one of my US frn asked the same question!
you've been blogrolled!!!! :)
thnx for blogrollin me.
their breed is known as americano el stupidicus :)
hmmm .... very clever usage of words i must say. especially linkin the chat part with the last bit ...lol... i recall seeing the cover of Time magazine with Dubya in it, having the caption -" How can americans be this stupid??". I agree with freak-y 2. :)
Lol okies...even i dunno much abt US politics ;)
Yeah...the convo was interesting...the gal too ;)
Thnx...hope ur net connection gets okies soon :)
N wat did u tell them?? :D
Thnx Archie :)
Welcome to ma blog :)
din kno they vr also called tat way..or ls wud hve had tat as the title :D
@The Grunge Gestapo
Thnx Sowmi :)
The Times caption shdn hve been a question :D
hi da
US politics.. sounds interesting.. ur chat too.. i saw f9/11 and was taken abak.. i just thought how G.W.Bush is one big 'thilalangidi'... lol..
hmm..looks like uve given an expurgated version of ur conv.. needless 2 say abt Bush..hez ... a...a total 'vethuvetu'..
LOL @ pavan...
americano el stupidicus ?..he he..
well..Dunno much abt Religion ;)
Hi da..
yeah even i was taken aback by f 9/11...hes a smart dude da...lol
@Hell's Angel
LOL ;)
Behind tat "dubya" mask is a very smart guy :)
LOL..me too...very dumb naa..??
Abt religion..well me neither ;) but guess ppl think tat every indian is a saadhu...so they blv wateva v tell them :D
gave a brief abt the origins n slwly diverted the topoic to holy bible..do they have to decode the bible n stuff lyk dat ;) :D
@ freak-y .. LMAO!
Hey Vivek...
first i thot perhaps u shd have seriously described why we worship animals and al..but towards the end of the conversation, felt.."nah..not worth.." Laughing out loud at Freak-Y's comment"their breed is known as americano el stupidicus :) "
hey have a nice blogg dude.... interesting.... was just randomly going through some glogs........ and found ur blog interesting worth commenting .....
nice work dude
Shdnt hve wasted ur time explainin to them i guess ;)
Dumb n the dumber..but the question was out of blue..i din kno how 2 answer...:D
Welcome to ma blog
Thnx a lot mann...keep visiting...:)
Thnx yaar..tho i still dunno wats the actual reason behind us worshipping animals :)
hmm...thankies for linking me dude..am honoured!! *says wit a tear in the left eye* :P...
shall exchange the favour..:)
cool stuff indeed...especially the last section...
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