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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Weekend Watch
Evry1 likes 2 celebrate 25th,50th,75th,etc..i hate numbers endin wit 5..so am three cheers 2 everyone whoz taken painz 2 read my blog everyday on my 26th post! ;-)
Haven been doin anything over te past couple of dayz. Not even lazin around. Was tied to my room due to the sprain. It was very BAD on friday nite. Then due 2 my frnz massaging skills, it improved a lot on saturday n i am almost free of pain now. N thanks 2 all of u ppl for carin abt me :-)
Wit nothing 2 do, wotchd two movies.
Forrest gump:
A classic 2 say te least!Zemeckis n Hanks @ ter best. Anybody noticed how al te classic movies hve minimal dialogues n used te scene n te actorz body language 2 te max...a must watch.
Yet another cartoon movie. Had a kind of aversion to cartoon movies.Wat de hell,all te movies have te same storyline:some kid runs away n ten his frnz or family hunts him n te all join together n evrything is fine @ te end. Te masala in it can put even a Bollywood movie 2 shame Its a kid or an ape or a fish or a lion or even a monster.But isnt it evry kids dream come true on screen. Everyone of us,at some age or the other, must hve wanted 2 save te world at times of crisis n beat the shit out of the bad people.
Tis movie too follows te same path. Tarzan is thought 2 b dead by his family. He thinks tat his absence wud b good for his mom(An ape) since hes not an ape. Ten he meets te monster Zugor whoz actually a gorilla tat jus keeps shouting "Zugor, Zugor..." to scare away from other animals for food. He discovers tis trick n ten te gorilla promises 2 help tarzan discover wat type of animal he actually is. Ter is tis song where he follows other animals n does wat tey do. He tries 2 fly, eat fruits from trees like te giraffe,etc which is wholesome fun 2 watch. Tis is te best part of te movie. Ten his frnz hunt him down n after some tense moments, terz a reunion n tey live happily together!
Read THE HINDU SUNDAY MAG. Wat hit me vr two articles: Ramachandra Guha's article on te "Temples of Modern India" ie te Dams. Seems Nehruji repented tat the dams vr built since it had caused te displacement of so many ppl n all te other negatives associated wit it. And te writer contrasts tis wit te reactions of Indiraji n Rajiv Gandhi. While Indiraji made ppl realise tat she was helpless, Rajiv Gandhi was totally ignorant of te issue. Ten there was tis article by M.Malleswara Rao on the golden jubilee of Nagarjunasagar dam which was more like a brochure read. The stereotyped article extolling the virtues of Panditji's foresight, the sweat n toil of the ppl, te technical capabilities of the engineers(yawn! yawn!). And it ended wit a plea for 6k crores for renovating it!
The best article,according 2 me, was te one on AIDS rehabilitation in Tamil Nadu. Seems the AIDS related work is being carried out wit gr8 concern n seriousness n tis has resulted in a reduction of prevalence rate from 0.75% to 0.50% n te awareness rate is 95%! Guess no more "Pulli Rajakku AIDS varuma.."! ;-)
Haven been doin anything over te past couple of dayz. Not even lazin around. Was tied to my room due to the sprain. It was very BAD on friday nite. Then due 2 my frnz massaging skills, it improved a lot on saturday n i am almost free of pain now. N thanks 2 all of u ppl for carin abt me :-)
Wit nothing 2 do, wotchd two movies.
Forrest gump:
A classic 2 say te least!Zemeckis n Hanks @ ter best. Anybody noticed how al te classic movies hve minimal dialogues n used te scene n te actorz body language 2 te max...a must watch.
Yet another cartoon movie. Had a kind of aversion to cartoon movies.Wat de hell,all te movies have te same storyline:some kid runs away n ten his frnz or family hunts him n te all join together n evrything is fine @ te end. Te masala in it can put even a Bollywood movie 2 shame Its a kid or an ape or a fish or a lion or even a monster.But isnt it evry kids dream come true on screen. Everyone of us,at some age or the other, must hve wanted 2 save te world at times of crisis n beat the shit out of the bad people.

Read THE HINDU SUNDAY MAG. Wat hit me vr two articles: Ramachandra Guha's article on te "Temples of Modern India" ie te Dams. Seems Nehruji repented tat the dams vr built since it had caused te displacement of so many ppl n all te other negatives associated wit it. And te writer contrasts tis wit te reactions of Indiraji n Rajiv Gandhi. While Indiraji made ppl realise tat she was helpless, Rajiv Gandhi was totally ignorant of te issue. Ten there was tis article by M.Malleswara Rao on the golden jubilee of Nagarjunasagar dam which was more like a brochure read. The stereotyped article extolling the virtues of Panditji's foresight, the sweat n toil of the ppl, te technical capabilities of the engineers(yawn! yawn!). And it ended wit a plea for 6k crores for renovating it!
The best article,according 2 me, was te one on AIDS rehabilitation in Tamil Nadu. Seems the AIDS related work is being carried out wit gr8 concern n seriousness n tis has resulted in a reduction of prevalence rate from 0.75% to 0.50% n te awareness rate is 95%! Guess no more "Pulli Rajakku AIDS varuma.."! ;-)
it's nice to be cared..it's more nice to care for others with love and affection!!
Rightly said.We lack visionaries like Nehruji. Leg is quite alrite now..thanx yaar!
Yeah sush...nice to know tat therez still love n affection left in tis world.
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