A Weblog
Friday, December 16, 2005
Y does IT happen 2 me!
With jus a single class in the whole wide day, life does get boring. Had a gr8 lunch. Getting tired of doing nothing, I slept off in the after noon. Then woke up 2 a shrill call from a frnd of mine for playing cricket. Had played cricket actually two days back. Without spirit, without enthu, cricket sucked! Cud neither bowl nor bat properly. And in the end, all tat i got was a sore shoulder n a tennis elbow(hope it doesn lead 2 an operation as in te case of Sachin ;-) ) .So decided 2 give it up for a week inspite of angry glares from ma frnz. Then at precisely 8 pm, my frnd sap walks in n calls me for a football match. Football n tat too under lights!!i cudn refuse...sore shoulder n tennis elbow aint gonna affect me playing football, i tell myself. So i step in to te field. We played very well(!) n coupla passes wud hve made Becks envy. Then my junior decides enuff is enuff n v both engaged in ruff play which meant tat v stamped each other's legs:my left n his right. I go down wit pain. I din pass out. So no fracture, I convince myself n played wit renewed vigour. Then tried 2 kick a ball which I shd hve headed n injured my right leg's toe. Arrrrrrrhhhhhh.....!

Came bak 2 room n had a fun time wit my frnz forgetting all about my leg injuries. Tats te thing wit frnz. Tey make u forget all ur painz. Ten i got up to attend a fone call. Aiyoo!I realised wat had happened. I look down n c blood on my right leg's toes n te other one is swollen.I thought of moving 2 te next room but stood midway since I cud walk no longer. I limped bak 2 my room n let out a cry of pain. I hated myself for havin played football. I sent my frnz all over te hostels to get me some pain balm or the other. Hated myself for having refused to pack iodex when my mom told me to(Mothers hve a gr8 foresight i think). Within five minutes, the pain moved from bad 2 worse n ma frnd saved me when he came rushing in with a Moov. Used 2 hate moov since it used 2 blantly depict iodex as a loser in its ad. Who te f**k carez! The pain has subsided to an xtent tho i hav cramps since I havn moved ma leg for so long....Wat a gr8 start 2 a weekend(sob..sob!!)

Came bak 2 room n had a fun time wit my frnz forgetting all about my leg injuries. Tats te thing wit frnz. Tey make u forget all ur painz. Ten i got up to attend a fone call. Aiyoo!I realised wat had happened. I look down n c blood on my right leg's toes n te other one is swollen.I thought of moving 2 te next room but stood midway since I cud walk no longer. I limped bak 2 my room n let out a cry of pain. I hated myself for havin played football. I sent my frnz all over te hostels to get me some pain balm or the other. Hated myself for having refused to pack iodex when my mom told me to(Mothers hve a gr8 foresight i think). Within five minutes, the pain moved from bad 2 worse n ma frnd saved me when he came rushing in with a Moov. Used 2 hate moov since it used 2 blantly depict iodex as a loser in its ad. Who te f**k carez! The pain has subsided to an xtent tho i hav cramps since I havn moved ma leg for so long....Wat a gr8 start 2 a weekend(sob..sob!!)
over a adathe..do take care
take care..u will get well soon
acho....take care....
Konjam thaan valadiney..adhuke intha madhiri..thnx...able 2 walk freely.
Lot better now..not much pain..thnks a lot.
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