A Weblog
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Perfect lover
OK ARCHIE...here I am...ur wish is gonna come true...The tag fever is bak..I had already been tagged once before...not tat I am bored or sth..but jus tat a general feeling of warmth n love is in the air...suddenly a thot occured..wat if my perfect lover reads this post...the probability is more so since Valentine Day is arnd the corner(don ask me why...if u still persist, wats spl tat ppl choose to propose on feb 14 ?? :P)..I had other plans for a Val Day post...but why let go an oppportunity ;)...
So here goes the tag:
Some day in the YEaR 2010:
Here I am...26 years old...working as a s/w engineer in some firm...appearing single,content and without any sign of tension or sth..well well, appearances are deceptive..i know myself and however calm i look, I am always tensed.
So mah sweet mom n dad think tat I am working too much and tat me not paying any kinda attention to my personal life(dreams........sigh!!)...so they catch hold of my grandad(if hes still arnd..hes an astrologer..hes predicted tat I wud hve a luv marriage..btw most of his predictions hve been true...notice" most" :D). My grandad, takes me to a corner and asks me wat kinda gal do i need. I feel like laughing out loud(no offense meant to my grandad but he knows me te best :))..I tell him tat I hve no intentions to "settle" down so early in life.The wily old chap tat he is, he raps me and tells me, "Dey, I know U hve been waiting for me to ask this for ages. so wat kinda gal do u want??" We are more of friends than grandad-grandson. So no surprises there :D
Now, this sets my brains on fire. I ask for a cpl of days time and my thatha cedes to my request. I bunk office(who wudn luv to do this..I mean bunking for thinking abt ur future spouse..*very big grin*). I go somewhere I am left all alone(tat wud b my bedroom most prolly). I think hard. For two days. 48 hours. I rack my brains hard. I start thinking wat wud hve happened if I had used an ounce of brain earlier during my college days....hmm...
Ok..48 hrs have come to an end. The D-Day has arrived. I wake up b4 my grandad(he wakes up at arnd 4 or 5 in the morning..cmon I CAN change in the future and not b an insomniac). I go on a jog and meet him at his favorite resting spot in the nearby park.
Grandad asks me"So Vivek, wat do u think?"I realise tat two days of thinking haven helped me in anyway..All those words that I had written in ma mind abt the one n wonly seemed blur. I look up aimlessly and realise I am all lost. To break the ice I tell him"It shd b a gal". He smiles and replies "Well, tat reduces my burden..wat next?"
rub my hands.Its winter(this is the ultimate dream.me jogging during winter..heehe..hoho..LOL)..n then the first quality or thought or wateva comes out of my mouth."Jo apne zindagi jeeye or mujhe meri jeene diye.."This is a lift from the movie Dil Chahta Hai. I luv this lines esp the way in which Aamir expresses them. My grandad thinks for sometime and says"Tuff ask esp letting u live ur life ur own way..well lemme see..hmm..". He then adds"Tas it?"
Pat comes the reply"Of course not..She shd b a good singer". I am surprised tat I mouthed those words. But its true. I aint a gr8 singer. Was gud in my school but used to hate my music teacher so much tat I used to cry when he taught me. But yeah, I luv music and its becoming an inseparable part of my life. U may wonder tat I wud better do wit an IPod but wat the hell, this is my tag!! btw all the gals I have had crushes till now hav been amazing singers ;)
This time my grandad looks up and then looks at me and says "Independent and a singer...wat else?"
The nearby coffee shop has opened and I suggest tat we shd continue there. My grandad agrees wit me and we move ter. Cuppa coffee...I jus luv tat!
"She shouldnt be insane like me" I say.
"OMG, then who wud marry u??"my grandad replies wit tat sly smile on his face. Et Tu Grandad.I make up for the lost ground by saying"I mean she shd not be as crazy as me. U know how crazy I am."(The U refers to all the blog readers :)
"Independent, singer and sensible..hmm...ok..continue"
Three down, three to go. Eight aint my lucky number so I am gonna stop wit six.
I bite my nails.I tell myself "Cmon dude..this is ur life partner..think hard.."
"She should have a sense of pride in wat she does. I mean.." my grandad interrupts me and says"U mean arrogant?"I reply "Well...hmm..yeah..something like that.."This aint means tat she shd be egoistic or sth. But a lil bit of arrogance does make a gal appear more beautiful and sexy ;)
"Nething else?"I realise tat with just 4 points, the odds wud hve been shortened.Hes kinda impatient. So I tell him." Wait..she shd b a die hard optimist..u know.. temme tat wat I do is correct and make me believe tat I gonna succeed...like being the rock solid force behind me.. givin me hope "
By now, the sun is out blazing. My grandad looks at his watch. One more one more.."She shd be intelligent enuff to understand wat I say and dumb enuff to accept them" My grandpa is all flustered now. "Wat in god's name was tat?" He asks me. I grin and say"Well she wud understood this..If she does, then shes perfect for me". He knows tat I have given this thing too much of thought and agrees to stop wit this.He gets up and starts walking. I suddenly remember another point and I shout loud.."Grandad, U gotta hear this...her name..."He does not turn back. Instead he keeps walking.I keep shouting but in vain. Suddenly someone raps me on ma head. Its her. She kisses me and whispers.."Is it tat tag dream again??Oho boy..too late..;)"
The fact tat I have been a victim of a vicious game called Tag has hit me. And after giving it a lot of thought, I have decided, the best way to clean up my conscience is to pass on the tag :D
So here is the hit list.
1. Divya. Don ask me why..Perhaps its the fact tat U were the first visitor to my blog*smiles*
2. Gokul. This is the ultimate revenge. Dude u shall b spared if u agree to spare me ur tag ;)
3. Sankar aka Mighty Titan..Machcha..unakku kai vandha kalai..:D
4. Sushila..Chammathu ponnu aa seekarama tag post podutu :-)
5. His Excellency...dude, do give this a thought amidst ur social posts(btw ur 4th part is yet 2 b posted..me waiting here da..post it soon)
6. Sankar...dey its been long time since u blogged. Hope this will b ur come bak post :)
7. Niranjana...Some more introspection..lol..:D
So here goes the tag:
"tu bin bataye mujhe le chal kaheen
jahan tu muskuraye meri manzil wahin..."
jahan tu muskuraye meri manzil wahin..."
Some day in the YEaR 2010:
Here I am...26 years old...working as a s/w engineer in some firm...appearing single,content and without any sign of tension or sth..well well, appearances are deceptive..i know myself and however calm i look, I am always tensed.
So mah sweet mom n dad think tat I am working too much and tat me not paying any kinda attention to my personal life(dreams........sigh!!)...so they catch hold of my grandad(if hes still arnd..hes an astrologer..hes predicted tat I wud hve a luv marriage..btw most of his predictions hve been true...notice" most" :D). My grandad, takes me to a corner and asks me wat kinda gal do i need. I feel like laughing out loud(no offense meant to my grandad but he knows me te best :))..I tell him tat I hve no intentions to "settle" down so early in life.The wily old chap tat he is, he raps me and tells me, "Dey, I know U hve been waiting for me to ask this for ages. so wat kinda gal do u want??" We are more of friends than grandad-grandson. So no surprises there :D

Ok..48 hrs have come to an end. The D-Day has arrived. I wake up b4 my grandad(he wakes up at arnd 4 or 5 in the morning..cmon I CAN change in the future and not b an insomniac). I go on a jog and meet him at his favorite resting spot in the nearby park.
Grandad asks me"So Vivek, wat do u think?"I realise tat two days of thinking haven helped me in anyway..All those words that I had written in ma mind abt the one n wonly seemed blur. I look up aimlessly and realise I am all lost. To break the ice I tell him"It shd b a gal". He smiles and replies "Well, tat reduces my burden..wat next?"
rub my hands.Its winter(this is the ultimate dream.me jogging during winter..heehe..hoho..LOL)..n then the first quality or thought or wateva comes out of my mouth."Jo apne zindagi jeeye or mujhe meri jeene diye.."This is a lift from the movie Dil Chahta Hai. I luv this lines esp the way in which Aamir expresses them. My grandad thinks for sometime and says"Tuff ask esp letting u live ur life ur own way..well lemme see..hmm..". He then adds"Tas it?"
Pat comes the reply"Of course not..She shd b a good singer". I am surprised tat I mouthed those words. But its true. I aint a gr8 singer. Was gud in my school but used to hate my music teacher so much tat I used to cry when he taught me. But yeah, I luv music and its becoming an inseparable part of my life. U may wonder tat I wud better do wit an IPod but wat the hell, this is my tag!! btw all the gals I have had crushes till now hav been amazing singers ;)
This time my grandad looks up and then looks at me and says "Independent and a singer...wat else?"
The nearby coffee shop has opened and I suggest tat we shd continue there. My grandad agrees wit me and we move ter. Cuppa coffee...I jus luv tat!
"She shouldnt be insane like me" I say.
"OMG, then who wud marry u??"my grandad replies wit tat sly smile on his face. Et Tu Grandad.I make up for the lost ground by saying"I mean she shd not be as crazy as me. U know how crazy I am."(The U refers to all the blog readers :)
"Independent, singer and sensible..hmm...ok..continue"
Three down, three to go. Eight aint my lucky number so I am gonna stop wit six.
I bite my nails.I tell myself "Cmon dude..this is ur life partner..think hard.."
"She should have a sense of pride in wat she does. I mean.." my grandad interrupts me and says"U mean arrogant?"I reply "Well...hmm..yeah..something like that.."This aint means tat she shd be egoistic or sth. But a lil bit of arrogance does make a gal appear more beautiful and sexy ;)
"Nething else?"I realise tat with just 4 points, the odds wud hve been shortened.Hes kinda impatient. So I tell him." Wait..she shd b a die hard optimist..u know.. temme tat wat I do is correct and make me believe tat I gonna succeed...like being the rock solid force behind me.. givin me hope "
By now, the sun is out blazing. My grandad looks at his watch. One more one more.."She shd be intelligent enuff to understand wat I say and dumb enuff to accept them" My grandpa is all flustered now. "Wat in god's name was tat?" He asks me. I grin and say"Well she wud understood this..If she does, then shes perfect for me". He knows tat I have given this thing too much of thought and agrees to stop wit this.He gets up and starts walking. I suddenly remember another point and I shout loud.."Grandad, U gotta hear this...her name..."He does not turn back. Instead he keeps walking.I keep shouting but in vain. Suddenly someone raps me on ma head. Its her. She kisses me and whispers.."Is it tat tag dream again??Oho boy..too late..;)"
The fact tat I have been a victim of a vicious game called Tag has hit me. And after giving it a lot of thought, I have decided, the best way to clean up my conscience is to pass on the tag :D
So here is the hit list.

2. Gokul. This is the ultimate revenge. Dude u shall b spared if u agree to spare me ur tag ;)
3. Sankar aka Mighty Titan..Machcha..unakku kai vandha kalai..:D
4. Sushila..Chammathu ponnu aa seekarama tag post podutu :-)
5. His Excellency...dude, do give this a thought amidst ur social posts(btw ur 4th part is yet 2 b posted..me waiting here da..post it soon)
6. Sankar...dey its been long time since u blogged. Hope this will b ur come bak post :)
7. Niranjana...Some more introspection..lol..:D
Machi... et tu..??? Arrrgh.. tagged me ... neverthless a tag has to be honoured.. will do it soon :)
So what is her name? :-?
btw Teal already tagged me for the perfect lover thing.. so all your blackmailing wont work.. muhahahaha..
I'll be doing the tag anyways, so doncha worry, I wont spare you from the tag..
take your ownnn time to do the tag.. but JUST DO IT!
orey kallil rendu maanga :->
hey vivek...have been seein g this tag in lot other blogs...now comes to me...a pretty good tag actually to think about....
would do it...
hey ur way of doing this tag is pretty unique..gut getan....and the qualities u want...pretty neat..hope u get a gal with all those quals..but dumb enuff to understand:-?
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and wats her name..u know it now or the vivek ten yrs hence only knows it?;)
yet stupid enuf to stand ur Idiosynchronacies?? paavam andha ponnu ... and btw i already tagged gokul tubelite!
and paavam.. naalu varsham kaychu un thatha-va ipdi paduthaatha.. paavam avar. and i dnt understand the ending..u meant to say u dnt end up with the gal u described to ur thatha is it?? ;)
@Mighty Titan
Yo! machcha...waiting for tat ;)
@THe Optimist
Aaga..escape aayiteye da...:((...my wierd thing wud req a bio da...anyway shall honor it :)
Thnx Divya..yeah was surprised how others treated this tag thing..they jus wrote down points..thot i cud make it more lively...
not "dumb enuff to understand"...its "intelligent enuff to understand n dumb enuf to accept"..lol...:D
Wats in a name? ;)
@Trinity Teal
Unna yaar Gokula tag panna sonnathu..now i hve 2 do tat weird tag..:(
Well does it sound as if i am "padhuthufyin" him??i guess its the other way arnd ;)
As for the ending...alls well tat ends well..:D
looks like u r very clear in ur goal.. way 2 go..
@Hell's Angel
Very clear aa??ROTFL...
neat!! :)
lol ..*tease*...
okie..here goes yer kinda comment...
Yer unique style of dealing Mista.Taggy ws great...
lyked the idea of narration..
*kikc* *kick*..;)
aha! romba nice narration da.
hey this doesn't look like your dream...unmaya sollu ..nadandachu thane!!
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u have made it to the Hall of Fa me!!!
dei idhu knocham over da...adhuvum 2010-la indha maadhiri ponna?LOL
Really?????????oh my gaaawd....tat was so wonderful...n thnx for te hall of fame thing...*oscar style*...tis award wudn hve been possible if it wasnt for her n of course my grandpa :D
hey...archie..vanakkam...welcome bak..atlast found ur way bak 2 my blog huh??:D
Hey...unmey ellam indha madhiri edathula solladhey ;)
Dey machcha...welcome da...aasaigal palla kodi..nada padho...:O
Welcome bak 2 blog world da
Yeah da..writing the points appeared so lifeless..n reg the name...temme first da..;)
@ Harish and Dino:
Lolzzz on ur comments dudes ...
@ rest of the world:
hey i think i mite be knowing the name too ;-)
hey viv...kewl blog!!!nice narration mann...hmmm...shall help ya out with de hunt...or is de hunt over yet???keep up de great bloggin n hell...how dare u use ma fav song as ur bg???newayz...way to go!!!
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