A Weblog
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Sense and Sensitivity
I have always blvd tat its a crime 2 send fwds esp the chain mails. A bigger crime is to copy n paste those fwds in blogs! So do forgive me for committing a crime :D. I was browsing thro Dilbert on ma comp when tis particular cartoon caught my eye...
I lykd the question tat Dogbert asks:"Is it my fault tat i was born without the ability to sense the feelings of others?!"

Dilbert - just my type - sarcasm at its best!
In case you haven't, take a look at scott adam's blog. you are gonna love it.
Hmm .. i have blogrolled scot adam's blog too mr.oldie.. and my fav is dogbert .. which reminds me of the time when he tries to sell a policy to the boss and says "the returns are inversely proportional to ur intelligence!!" ..lolz... dogbert is da best!
can't c the text properly ..:((
lol!! i loooooooove dilbert :)
it's one of my favs alongwith calvin n hobbes..
insensitive abt insensitivity..dogbert is too cool!
:)) i love dilbert
yupp the text is not clear.. Dilbert is cool!!
Dogbert's policies rock! But I like Dilbert.. sarcasm at its best :D
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