A Weblog
Thursday, November 17, 2005
It has began..Its exam time now..n all tat i am supposed 2 talk is complexity,synchronization et al. The worst is wen v guyz go to the mini canteen 2 hve a cuppa coffee in te nite n c the tronix guyz drawing fourier waves on their plate of noodles n tellin each other how 2 solve te 81st problem in the 4th exercise in te 3rd lesson of some signal shit book..n some try 2 contact te author of te book n tell him abt some errata in te book!!however these guyz have mellowed down this semester n have started relaxing. I cud see JPM(da ECE topppperrr!!) asking some1 for xerox copies! I still remember my first year. One of my frnz was his room mate n usd 2 curse him since tere was always some nerd or te other asking him doubts. No wonder hes able 2 maintain 9.5+!These guyz have had an insatiable desire for studies over the past four years(some of them all their life). But even they were clueless as to how to study economics. Sample tis:" Wat is te importance of land?" V dint find it tough since v already had software engg in our fifth sem. Tat was one subject man!28 chapters...400 pages..no numbers...only theory..every engineering students nitemare come true..economics was a cakewalk compared 2 tat..n our system nvr permitted 2 relax in between xams..usually v have 5 xams straight n tats it..but this time due 2 te CAT xam, v got hols in between...but does it help???atleast i can write my blog!
For the economic stability of te constipation of te consitution of te financial sovereignty of te nation!phew!!!
For the economic stability of te constipation of te consitution of te financial sovereignty of te nation!phew!!!
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