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Saturday, November 05, 2005
Blues vs. Red Devils

Hey elles n gmen,
B4 te actual Blues vs. Red Devils tom., v guyz thought tat v cud do a preview match today..n if not in Highbury(c te pic!) wher ls?(for ur info...highbury is one of te smallest stadium in te world n tats ARSENAL's home ground..) i rmmber playin football te day b4 divali n since i had returned almost a year later(achiles heels n ligament tear had kpt me out of te game) i was completely out of sorts tat day. n te trouble resurfaced on divali day.. but ten tis game was too important! n with nothin 2 do..i thought 2 heck with my heels n stepped on 2 te ground...tere vr totally six of us on te field..since v hardly commit a foul v had no need for a refree...me, fooby n ponds on one side(te BLUES)...praantha, donKy n sap on te other(U-kno-who)..te teams vr evenly matched with my superb ball positionin skills n ponds dribblin skills vs. saps strikin skills n praanthas defensive capabilities...altho tey had a gr8 striker in donKy, v vr ready 2 offer a stiff fight..fooby was our keeper(he played some game on divali nite ;-) )..te game kicked off n v vr able 2 score goals at will..n their defense was totally open n v ripped tem apart...then they regrouped with saps playin right(sometimes left) mid n donKy alone in te front...v vr able 2 block donKy n despite tryin his best he cudn touch te ball(literally!)..ten saps came fwd n they 2 started scoring goals..ten my problems came bak 2 haunt me..my heels was painin as hell n i let fooby take my position ahead n bcame te goalie..but ten i cud hardly move..in te meanwhile ponds n fooby vr playin a gr8 game..passin tat wud put beckam 2 shame..now Myke joined te game as te other team's goalie..now guyz tis is te first time tat Mykes playin..but whoa!!he played like a tru champ..v really had a tuff time gettin te ball 2 te bak of te net..i ten came bak 2 mid n me n ponds paired up front n scored goals..tis being a practice match v had decided 2 play till v ran out of steam..finally when v decided 2 stop te score read 9-7..v edged tem out in te final min wen v scored 2 quick goals..it was a gr8 game n v r plannin 2 've another one tonite..tat is if my heels stops troublin me n if it doesn rain..rain plzzzzz go away..ppl r awaitin u in jharkhand n uttaranchal...
N reg. wodehouse, well teres no surprise element in te book n i am beginnin 2 get bored..i guess its better if i stick 2 fiction n business...yeh mera type nehi hai ;-)..chal..bye!!
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