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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
My tryst..

The ever favorite of mine:Linkin park...my tryst with rock music took place in the first year of my college education. My exposure to western was restricted to all the pop stuff in MTV during my schooling in cbe and tat too had 2 stop when i got to my 12th. It was only raja and rahman during my 12th. I had a cultural shock when i came here(atleast w.r.t music). My col mate was a rock freak and i was itching to hear some. He gave me a Judas Priest cassette to hear. I had tis new walkman with me. So i lied down on my bed and switched on my walkman. No sooner than 10 minutes, I had the first headache in the college. It was awful(then!). My head was splitting and I even felt feverish for sometime. I had my first rock lesson: Dont start off ur day with a Judas Priest. That was the last time i listened to Judas Priest. From nowhere, I got a linkin park. The best thing about the songs was that it was ust cpla minutes long or in some cases 3 minutes. It was love at first sight. I had the cassette with me for a long time. N i cudnt stop myself from singing the same songs when i went back home. All I got back was empty stares from my mom n sis. They thouht I had gone crazy! Then came debutante. Its our first year fest and we have this event called rock mime where we had to mime a rock song. We did a linkin park song and i still maintain that ours was the best performance. Except for the fact tat a stanze went missing from the song while my frnz vr on stage. That spoiled the whole show and we din win a prize. The thing about rock mime is that it sets the ball in motion for rock amateurs. I have seen people with no interest in rock getting addicted to rock after rock mime. This carried on even when i goto my second year. I had expanded my range to evanascence, paparoach and many more. Then there was a brief lull when I got back to tamil songs. Then in the third year, I got my computer and my love with linkin park was reignited. Their latest album had released sometime back. I was addicted to it like anything! It was eternally on my playlist and was a must especially during my exams! And why am I mentioning this now??I got my exams now....and nothing 2 help me study than linkin park! I am hearing it after a long time and all the memories came rushing back. Move over John mayer. Ur time is up! Welcome back the devil....Long live LP!
Hey Vivek,
U can try listenin to the mellow nos of metallica - nothing else matters, mama said... And dont u think LP is too -ve... i mean the lyrical content.
hi trinity,
LP is ofcourse negative..but most of te rock songs hve despo lyrics don they??moreover, it helps durin prep for xam..u feel like shoutin at some1 for havin 2 study so much..btw nothin else matters is my fav too..
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